Mission Trips & Discipleship

Join us on a 10 Day Bible Run, a weekend of discipleship training or an evening of fellowship…

Fishers of Men
Discipleship Training

Is there anything better than making disciples Jesus' way? Gather with others who also want to learn how to be a fishers of men by inviting your loved ones, church family and friends to hear how Jesus is still teaching His disciples to fish with a net.

Stateside Gathering
The gathering of his people

Gathering together to brag on what God is doing through the giving Bibles. We will share testimonies of how lives, churches and communities are maturing in their knowledge of Christ.

Run with us!
The Bible Run Experience

Are you interested in bringing Bibles to waiting believers? Is God calling YOU to go? Allow us to customize a Bible Run tailored to your adventures spirit. Be immersed in a new culture and see how God can use your willingness to serve as the answer to many prayers of believers.